Elijah House Prayer Ministry Counseling was developed through the pioneering work of John and Paula Sandford in inner healing (also known as heart healing), and continues now through the ongoing work of Elijah House staff, video school facilitators, prayer ministry counselors, and many others. Inner healing ministry is pastoral in nature, based on scriptural principles and led by the Holy Spirit through the use of active listening, listening prayer, the gifts of the Spirit, and other tools.
Prayer ministry at Elijah House involves looking for the root causes that lie beneath the surface of most problems. Inner strongholds we at E.H. call "bitter roots" feed patterns that lead to habitual sin, dysfunction, broken relationships, and many other kinds of "bad fruit." When bitter roots are discovered, the prayer counselor leads the seeker to cancel the effect of those roots at the Cross through the power of prayer, to forgive those who wounded and tempted him or her toward judging others, and to receive forgiveness for judgments and other strongholds the heart has formed.
Elijah House offers intensive week-long sessions of prophetic prayer ministry - available in person or via Zoom - with our highly experienced prayer ministry counselors. Should you prefer, we can also refer you to an Elijah House-trained prayer ministry counselor closer to you (where available).
Every year, hundreds of people receive healing for their brokenness through Elijah House inner healing ministry! Individuals and families come to Elijah House from all over the world for our prayer ministry sessions. Many wonderful testimonies of transformation and restoration have resulted!
It's never too late! Live a life of greater freedom than you've ever known before!

Inner healing ministry is pastoral in nature, based on scriptural principles and led by the Holy Spirit through the use of active listening, listening prayer, the gifts of the Spirit, and other tools.